It was something no one had ever seen before. Yusupi, a Dao tribal man had left his door open.

For all Dao people, the door on a house is always closed at night, even if there is no roof on the house yet. The Dao believe that evil spirits can enter through the door, and so it must be shut tight.

But Yusupi had been slowly learning about the One True God. When he started building a new house, he decided to leave his door open.

He told missionary Derek Grant, “I’m not afraid of the spirits. God is with me. I know He is strong, so I didn’t close the door.”

Yusupi has realized that God is more powerful than the evil spirits that once controlled his life.

Yusupi opened his life to God, and his new faith has allowed him to open up his house too.

At first, the Gospel opened the hearts of Dao people. Now, it’s opening doors that have been closed for generations.