Ryan and Abigail De Roos serve with Ethnos360 Aviation. “We have been transitioning from flying airplanes to flying helicopters to be able to support the church planting efforts in the Philippines. We began the helicopter training in June 2020 and was quoted around $60,000-$70,000 USD to complete this training. This has been the most daunting step in our preparation to serve as an aviation family. We had no idea how this huge cost was going to be covered. Lord willing we are planning on moving to the Philippines this August and it has been amazing to see how God is paving the way. As of this month, all of our helicopter training has been paid for!! We have been blown away by God’s provision and the generosity of everyone who has given to this project. “
Connect with Ryan and Abigail.

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

Download PDF of Entire Prayer Team Update