Wes Goddard ministers among the Paí people in Paraguay. “My co-workers and I have been continuing to minister out of the city on the border of Paraguay and Brazil. There has been a slight improvement with the security issues, and we now have the liberty to spend more time outside our houses in the [village], up until mid-December. I praise the Lord for the safe return of my co-workers, the Windler family, from home assignment in the USA. Even though I have been alone here for the past few months, God has raised up Paí Bible teachers to accompany me as much as possible in my travels in the region here. It has also been encouraging to see the local Paí church out where we live taking more responsibility and functioning without missionary presence. They have recently started holding weekly business meetings, trying to be more organized as a church. The end of September, the church there hosted a special meeting of representatives from many indigenous churches who came to plan for a large church conference event in 2022, which will be held in that location. Pray that God would give wisdom to me and the Paí Bible teachers with the opportunities in Brazil at two different locations and pray that God would raise up Paí Bible teachers in those communities who would clearly communicate the Gospel of Grace.”

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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