More Than Reading and Writing

“So what do you think our goal for literacy is?”

NTM’s International Literacy Coordinators Jerry and Joyce McDaniels ask that question in every seminar they teach. It’s a trick question. The answer isn’t so people can read and write.

“It’s so that they can know the Creator God,” Jerry said.

Connecting With God by Reading

Literacy class in session.

Jerry recalled that as he taught from Luke in a Kuna village in Panama, he came to the familiar passage where Gabriel tells Mary, “With God, nothing’s impossible.” Having just taught all the way from Creation, he saw something new.

“As I’m reading that day, God just said, ‘Look, here’s one of My angels’ testimony of what he’s seen … that with Me, nothing is impossible,’” Jerry said. “That’s what we want for our friends around the world” — the opportunity to connect with God directly through His written Word.

God Chose Writing

development of literacy primers

Jerry and Joyce say the need for literacy is straightforward.

“God chose to write the most important message down,” Joyce said.

“Creator God, who could have chosen any method in all the world to preserve His Word, chose a written method,” Jerry added.

“That just kind of implies that you need to have readers,” Joyce said. “It’s pretty practical when you just step back and think about it.”

Do you appreciate the opportunity to connect directly with God each time you read His Word? Do you want to help men, women and children around the world connect with God that way? NTM’s translation fund provides for Bible translation and literacy programs.

$35 provides for one Bible verse