PRESENTING GOD’S STORY, STEP BY STEP. Most missionaries serve through sending organizations. How can you and your church choose the one that’s right for you? Here are just some of the reasons you might choose Ethnos.

A biblical goal

Jesus commanded his followers to “make disciples of all nations” – literally, of every people group (Matthew 28:19). The early church understood that to mean establishing mature churches among previously unreached people (Acts). The Apostle Paul wrote that he desired to take the Gospel where it had not gone (Romans 15:20).
While the world has changed a lot since then, the Word of God doesn’t change, and there are still 2,500 people groups who have not heard the Gospel. If you think that means that planting churches among unreached people should still be a priority of God’s people, Ethnos is a good choice for you. That’s our focus.

Effective ministry

You’re going to be putting your life into this, and your church will be pouring in prayer and resources, so you want to be part of an effective ministry.

In Ethnos, you’ll be part of a team that is establishing churches guided by proven methodologies and a well-thought-out model of what the mature church should look like. Church planters work in the context of the people group’s culture and language, so the message of God’s Word is clearly understood. And God’s Word is presented through foundational Bible teaching – presenting God’s story step by step, as God Himself unfolded it.

We believe God has guided us in developing these tools and methods, and it is by His grace that Ethnos has been highly effective in establishing churches that grow in grace and faith, and that join in expanding the reach of the Gospel.


If you are given the opportunity today to plant a church in an unreached tribe, do you know where to start … how to face the challenges ahead … and how to tell when the task is complete?

Ethnos provides specialized training because church planting among people with no concept of the God of the Bible is a difficult, long-term and complex task. Field-experienced missionaries will give you practical lessons. Your education doesn’t stop in the classroom; it follows you into remote tribal villages.


Teamwork begins with your church. Ethnos helps churches prepare and send missionaries, and involves your church leaders in the process. That’s why it’s important to discuss becoming a missionary with the leaders of your local church now. If you are not part of a church, that’s where you need to start. Your community of believers will be sending one of their own, to help establish another community of believers.

If Ethnos is a good fit for you and your church, you’ll have:

  • Access to pre-field, on-field and continuing training
  • Co-workers who fill in for you when you are ill or taking some time off
  • Leaders who are concerned with your spiritual and physical well-being

Freedom to focus on your ministry

You’ll be part of a network of missionaries, in the Canada and overseas, who are good at meeting a variety of needs such as processing contributions to your ministry, educating your children, maintaining electronics, providing flight service, figuring out how to buy what you need from a variety of vendors, and developing the tools and materials you need to communicate about your ministry. This frees you to focus on your ministry.

Whatever course you choose for serving God, you need to plug into the ministry that God has prepared for you, whether with Ethnos or elsewhere. This is a big decision. Investigate. Ask questions. Engage in a dialogue. Above all, follow God.

Learn more about becoming a skilled associate or a career missionary.

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