Do your youth long for clarity about God’s plans for their lives?

Bring your youth and help them connect the dots between God’s plan for this world and His purpose for their lives. After hearing from dynamic speakers with invaluable experience in cross-cultural missions, your youth will leave with a deeper understanding of God’s heart beat for the nations, and how God wants to use their unique wirings. They will leave having a better idea of how God wants to give them meaning and significance in this hurting and needy world.

Connect is a 3 hour program offered on Friday evenings at our campus. Or we can tailor an event to be hosted at your location.

Who is invited?

Connect is designed for students in 7th – 12th grade. Students come as a Youth Group along with your youth leaders/helpers, who serve as chaperones. Our staff takes care of all sessions and activities, which frees your leaders up to spend time with your students.

When should we arrive and depart?

Your youth group should plan to arrive around 7pm on your Friday evening.  Connect ends at 10pm.  Please plan your travel around those times.

Contact Us

Fill out the form below to contact us about bringing your youth to a Connect Youth Evening.

Fill out my online form.


Ethnos’ campus is located in Durham, between Guelph and Owen Sound on Highway 6. 

Ethnos Canada
313363 Hwy 6 S
Durham ON  N0G 1R0
