HELP HERE MAKES A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE. You help support Ethnos’ worldwide efforts right here in Canada by allowing career missionaries to fill other roles on the church-planting team.


some guys looking under the hood of a vehicle in a shop

Volunteer on Our Campus

a guy sharing about missions with a small group

Volunteer as a Rep

Volunteer on Our Campus

Ethnos Canada’s beautiful campus in Durham, Ontario, is home to the home office, as well as Emanate, the missionary training program. The home office coordinates the activities of Ethnos within Canada and supports Canadian Ethnos missionaries overseas. Emanate equips men and women to join the Ethnos church planting team in Latin America, Africa, Asia-Pacific and South Asia.

Volunteer Opportunities

Depending on the skills and availability of a volunteer or group, there are opportunities at the Ethnos Canada Durham campus. Some volunteers come for a few hours a week, some come once or twice a month, and some come on an on-call basis when there are specific jobs that need to be done. There may be computer related jobs that could be done from home.

Type of work

General maintenance and construction, landscaping, clerical work or cleaning. There are also some opportunities to volunteer in specialized areas such as graphic design or information technology on a long-term or per-task basis. Please contact us to let us know about your specific skills and interests, as we may be able to find something that fits you.


313363 Hwy 6 S, Durham, Ontario, is one hour north of Guelph on Hwy 6.


Guest apartments and an RV site with hook-ups for those coming for a short time and do not live in the area.

Contact Us


Volunteer as a Rep

As a Volunteer Rep for Ethnos Canada, you can be involved in mobilizing people to fulfill the Great Commission.

Type of Work

Volunteer Reps don’t need to be public speakers (although it certainly doesn’t hurt), but they need to be comfortable talking to people about the various ministries of Ethnos and be able to encourage others with how they can get involved—whether in praying, giving or going.


Anywhere and everywhere you go! The wonderful thing about being a volunteer representative is that you can share with other believers from right where God has placed you within Canada.

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