The process of “becoming a missionary” with Ethnos varies, depending on whether you are planning on serving for six months to four years as a skilled associate, or for longer than four years as a career missionary.

The process to become a skilled associate missionary

  1. Pre-application
    • Start by filling out our associate contact form, an application coach will be in touch to get you started.
    • The application coach will work with you to help you find a good ministry fit, and a written job description from a ministry team in a particular country.
    • You should talk with and receive guidance from your church leaders.
  2. Application
    • Complete the application process (this takes about four to six weeks).
  3. Approval
    • Ethnos Canada’s Personnel Department will review your application. In some ways this is like applying for any position — you must meet certain qualifications. The key difference is that we want you to qualify, and will help you.
  4. Pre-Field Preparation
    • Obtain your passports, visas and immunizations.
    • Raise prayer and financial support: You are responsible for the cost of travel, monthly living, insurance and limited administrative expenses.
  5. Orientation
    • Prepare for Pre-Field Orientation (PFO) by reading assigned materials and completing designated study projects.
    • Attend the PFO in Durham, Ontario.
  6. Overseas Ministry
    • Associates may serve with Ethnos Canada for six months to four years. In most countries, you will be asked to arrive at least two weeks before your assignment begins.

The process to become a career missionary

1. Pre-application

  • Fill out our contact form at to get started.
  • A member of our Connection Team will help you determine where and when you can enter Ethnos’ training, and help direct you in this process.
  • You should talk with and receive guidance from your church leaders.

2. Application

  • Complete the application process (this takes about four to six weeks).

3. Training

4. Membership

  • When you successfully complete your training, the Ethnos Personnel Department will decide whether to accept you as a career member of Ethnos Canada. Membership is not guaranteed to all who complete training, but it is our goal that everyone who completes training is qualified and ready for service with Ethnos.

5. Pre-Field Preparation

  • Obtain your passports, visas and immunizations.
  • Raise prayer and financial support: You are responsible for the cost of travel, monthly living, insurance and limited administrative expenses.

6. On-field Orientation

  • When you arrive in the country where you will serve, you will learn the primary language spoken there, become familiar with the country’s culture, and learn about Ethnos’ operations there.

7. Ministry

  • After orientation, you are ready to begin ministry. If you are a church planter, you will work in cooperation with Ethnos leaders in the country to locate a new or existing work to take part in. Missionaries in support roles will begin their ministry as part of the church planting team. In most cases, missionaries go on home assignment for one year after each four years of service.

Get Started:

Get started by filling out the form below, an application coach will be in contact shortly.

Fill out my online form.