Spend two weeks on an Encounter trip to learn, serve and experience ministry among unreached people groups.

Through an encounter trip, you will explore long-term missionary work and consider your future involvement. You will visit an indigenous people group, hear from missionaries on the field and see what it takes to bring the gospel to the very ends of the earth.

From the world’s many distinct people groups, roughly 1/3 would be considered unreached with the gospel. What part will you play?

Upcoming Programs

The Philippines

Dates: June 2023
Cost: $2,500 USD +/-**

Dates and prices are subject to change.

** If applying after April 1st, the price is subject to change due to airline surcharges.

** Price includes round trip travel from Waukesha, WI. Transportation arrangements and expenses to and from Waukesha, WI should be arranged and paid by each Encounter participant themselves. Email the Encounter team with any questions at encounter@ntm.org. Or for Canadian-specific information, email Pete Doerksen.

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