Daapoi, a Dao Bible teacher, lost his precious daughter to illness while teaching evangelistic Bible lessons earlier this year. He and his wife Otopina continued on in the ministry while grieving over the loss of their child.

Several accepted Christ when Daapoi recently presented the final evangelistic lesson covering the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Many of them are now asking to be baptized.

He continues to teach from the book of Ephesians in his home viilage to strengthen and ground believers.

Dao believers have a passion to reach others with the Gospel message. Debatoma, another Bible teacher, asked missionary Scott Phillips to send him some literacy materials.

When he received them he took those books along with evangelistic Bible lessons and went to a village a day’s walk away. He began teaching the people to read and write.

“God continues to work and further His kingdom even when we aren’t around to do any of the planting and watering,” wrote Scott, currently on home assignment. “He continues to turn the eyes of … people like Daapoi and Debatoma and others to Himself.”

Pray for the Dao people to continue to grow in the Lord and reach out to others with the glorious Good News.