Tim Whatley

Dear Friend,

The fact that you read the Ethnos360 magazine shows that you have a heart for reaching the unreached. Thank you! It takes all of us to engage in reaching unreached people groups for Christ. Truly the days are quickly approaching when Christ will come back for His Bride, the Church.

While we have previously featured many of the specifics of the church planting ministry, in the 2021 issues we will take a macro view of where Ethnos360 works as part of an international global partner network. In the first issue we’ll answer the questions, “Who are the unreached?” and ”How do we determine where to place ministry teams?” We’ll present where we work and what, by God’s grace, He has accomplished through the network of global partners and what needs to be done yet in those regions.

Following that we’ll examine how ministry contexts are rapidly changing around the world and how, even though many of these ministry contexts are quite different from our historical contexts, Ethnos360 and the network of global partners are adapting to these contexts while maintaining the same purpose and objectives.

The last issue is particularly an exciting one for me since we’ll share who the global ministry team is and how the make-up of this team has moved from a Western-centric team to very much a global one.

Be encouraged and excited with us as we see how and where Christ is building His Church.

Yours in Christ,

Tim Whatley
Executive Director, Ethnos Canada