Tim sitting near some trees

Dear Friend,

You know the story—God who is the all powerful, all knowing, ever present, Creator God of the universe stepped out of eternity and willingly con ned Himself to the body of a human. He did this with the single purpose of fulfilling His promise of a rescuer—Genesis 3:15.

It’s incredible.

What is even more amazing is that as the body of Christ—the Church—we have been tasked with taking this message of hope to the nations/ethnos (Matthew 28:16-18). God wants to use ordinary people like you and me to do extraordinary work.

Out of all the ways that God could have chosen to spread His plan of salvation, God, in His in nite wisdom, choose to use people. As the director of Ethnos Canada, it is exhilarating to see God at work—through His people!

All around our country He is stirring up churches and individuals to pray, give and go. In Revelation 7:9, God promises that one day there will be representatives from “all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb…”

Until that day, let’s continue to push forward, knowing that God will continue to grow His Church. Thank you for the part you play in establishing a thriving church for every tribe, tongue and nation/ethnos.

Tim Whatley
Ethnos Canada 
Executive Director