Dear Friend,

Cross-cultural church planting is exactly like raising children. Okay, maybe they are not exactly alike.

Last month, my wife and I entered into a new season of life, we are now grandparents.

My parents raised me on the mission field, pouring into me and my siblings over the span of years. My wife and I raised our children on the mission field, investing in the same way. Now my son and his wife have the privilege and responsibility of investing their lives in the next generation of Whatley’s.

As I reflect on how parenting and church planting are the same (and different), two very important aspects come to mind. Both fly in the face of our “get it done,” “check it off our list” and “quick and easy” culture of today: time and depth.

When raising children, either in Canada or in Indonesia, very little is quick or easy, nor is there anything quick or easy about planting a thriving church cross-culturally. Both take time and depth.

I’m thrilled you’re taking time to read this issue of the Ethnos Magazine which focuses on passing the baton of faith well. I trust you will appreciate the stories of these faithful men and women who are now running the race set out before them.

Blessed to be your partner in the race,

Tim Whatley
Ethnos Canada
Executive Director