Tim Whatley, Ethnos Canada missionary and Executive Director

Dear Friend,

It’s a testimony to the grace, power and love of God that people associated with Ethnos Canada in East Africa are working closely with African churches to cross even more cultural and language barriers with God’s saving message.

I write that because of how easy it is to have a misunderstanding with people we know, who speak our language and have a similar worldview.

And if you’ve ever tried to work with someone from another country, you know language and culture add a whole lot more wrinkles.

So, for this to be working is a sign that God is working. There have certainly been challenges, and the present harmony of goals and methods is a testimony to dedicated men and women who are sold out to following Christ and obeying His command to reach the world with His Good News.

But I have no doubt they too would all point us back to God and give Him the glory for His work. We are living in exciting days as we follow the Lord to what I believe are the last frontiers of unreached people groups and are able to witness the birth of His Church there.

I trust that reading this magazine’s article will have you praising His Name as well.

Yours in Christ,
Tim Whatley
Executive Director, Ethnos Canada