Dear Friend,

My wife and I were privileged to be a part of a team that was sent to plant a church among the Moi people deep in the jungles of Indonesia. As much as we were thrilled at the prospect, we were also incredibly intimidated.

How do you move in with a people that have no concept of a caring God and hope to see a thriving church established?

Our Lord has led Ethnos Canada and our partners around the world to a clear vision of what a thriving church looks like. I am so thankful for our church planting consultants, who were there to help us in the Moi. They guided us with a model laid out in the New Testament, examining the health and vitality of a church from four different perspectives:

  • God’s Word for the Church
  • The Life of the Church
  • Discipleship in the Church
  • Identity of the Church

Rather than my going back over 18 years of ministry and sharing what God did among the Moi, can we show how this is unfolding today amongst the Guahibo people of Bolivia? Turn to page four and be thrilled as you see what God is doing through His Church.

Blessed to serve together,

Tim Whatley
Ethnos Canada
Executive Director