Last Tuesday was a landmark day. The first Moi believer arrived in Heaven.

“Our dear friend Bobi died this afternoon at 3 p.m. from malaria,” wrote missionary Rich Brown. “We will dearly miss her sweet personality and example of uncompromising faith in God’s Word.”

Bobi, a fairly young woman, left behind her husband, a grown married daughter and a 6-year-old son. Bobi showed her strong faith to the end.

Monday Rich asked Bobi if she was afraid and she replied, “No! I am fully trusting God and know that if I die I will go to Heaven.”

Just before she died one of the Moi believers asked her the same question and she once again affirmed her total trust in Jesus Christ.

“As we sat with her husband and relatives it was so bittersweet,” Rich wrote. “We were sad for those she left behind, but thrilled at her home-going.”

Pray for Bobi’s family and friends as they grieve yet rejoice in the hope of Heaven. Pray also for the missionary team shepherding and discipling the Moi believers.