The Moi people were getting concerned when Okaba delivered her child Jan. 28, but after 32 hours still hadn’t passed the placenta.

Missionaries Steve and Carolyn Crockett wondered, “Should we fly her out?” After consulting with medical personnel it was thought best to fly her to out, but they left the final decision to Okaba’s husband, Dagamee.

“I only have one wife so I’d hate to lose her,” Dagamee said.

Okaba was quite nervous in the plane but too weak to care much.

At the hospital, the doctor, who was a believer, and the nurses were great. They sponged Okaba down, possibly the first such bath she’d had in her life.

The baby looked quite dirty wrapped in leaves inside a woven bark bag. The nurses gave her three baths till they felt she was clean enough. They asked Carolyn to run out and get cloth diapers. The newborn became the first Moi baby to get a bath and wear diapers.

After medications, Okaba was able to pass the placenta the next day, but in the process she lost a lot of blood. She was so low on blood she was nearly unconscious.

Dagamee and Carolyn both had O positive blood so were able to donate. Okaba still needed three more bags, but God brought the right people who were willing to donate.

The baby was getting royal treatment in the nursery. The nurses kept asking Carolyn what the baby’s name was. Moi babies don’t usually get named very quickly since the death rate has been so high in the past.

When Carolyn told Dagamee that the nurses were asking about the baby’s name, he said the nurses could give her a name.

“One nurse’s name was Daisy,” Carolyn wrote. “I thought that would work with the Moi sounds. So baby Daisy got a name at a very young age. Another first.”

After a week in the hospital of IVs, oxygen, five blood transfusions and all the other medical attention, Okaba was released. But before her release they had to teach Daisy how to nurse.

Daisy was bottle fed while her mother was unable to nurse her, so she had a problem adjusting to nursing.

“We all knew

[Daisy] wouldn’t survive in [her village] if she couldn’t nurse,” Carolyn wrote.

The nurses and Carolyn worked with her till finally, on the last day, Daisy caught on. Dagamee, Okaba and Daisy are all happy to be home again and doing well. Daisy is back to sleeping in leaves in her mommy’s bark bag.