“God’s work, done in God’s way, will never lack God’s supply.” —Hudson Taylor

Ethnos Canada’s goal is to partner with local churches to see thriving churches among every ethnos—every people group.

Emanate, the missionary training program of Ethnos Canada, equips believers to not just survive, but thrive as they engage in cross-cultural church planting.

To better equip the next generation of missionaries, we are preparing to add a new building to our campus. The Emanate Centre will help in two ways—it will increase capacity and improve quality.

Increasing capacity to equip more missionaries

God is at work and an increasing number of believers are asking to be equipped to thrive in cross-cultural church planting ministries. Our current facilities are simply too cramped. We don’t want to turn away missionaries because we don’t have the space.

The Emanate Centre will accommodate groups of 70 at time. Currently, the largest classroom only seats 25 students.

Emanate Centre exterior

The Emanate Centre will bring together all of the training team’s offices and classrooms into one building, improving the quality of the training.

Improving quality of training for all these missionaries

Currently, the classrooms available to the training program are in three separate locations around the campus. Because of age, one of the current classrooms will not last much longer.

To compound the challenges, the team training these missionaries are using offices scattered between three separate buildings. Some trainers are even working out of their homes.

Bringing all of the classrooms and offices into one building will drastically increase the amount of quality time the trainers spend with their students.

sunset seen on campus

Students enjoy incredible sunsets at our campus.

A new classroom and office building for the Emanate program is needed to continue to see men and women equipped to see “every tribe and tongue and people and [ethnos]” reached with the gospel (Revelation 5:9).

As we move forward with this work, we are totally dependent on God for His supply through the faithful support of His people. We know that we need to start with prayer—constantly asking God for wisdom.

Will you pray with us as we trust Him to see the Emanate Centre built and more missionaries equipped to thrive?

Please subscribe at ethnos.ca/subscribe and select “Emanate Prayer Updates”.

Learn more about the Emanate Centre