At Emanate, NTM Canada’s training program for cross-cultural church planting, believers are equipped to plant thriving churches. But as we move forward, we need to continue to equip a worldwide team for this complex task. How?

For Canadians, the training consists of:

  • a solid biblical foundation from two years of Bible school;
  • college-level, practical curriculum in three semesters of missionary training at Emanate; and
  • continuing, hands-on education on the field.
    But what will that look like in Africa, for African believers? Will it be different in West Africa and East Africa? Will training in South Asia for South Asians be another thing altogether? The answer appears at this point to be … yes and no.

    The fact that we serve the same unchanging God means much will be the same. Since He calls us to work together as the Body of Christ, much of the methodology and many of the concepts will have similarities.

    And while the training in Canada has been refined over the years to train believers to work in foreign contexts, we’ll need to adapt that training to reflect the cultures of the trainees in other countries and consider the settings they will be working in.

    So in 2018 and beyond, NTM will continue work in curriculum development (determining what to teach) and program development (figuring out the how, where and who of teaching) as well as bringing people from overseas to train in Canada.

    You’ve partnered with us in God’s work for the first 75 years. Your gift of $75 will help us equip nationals as we start the next 75.

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