Marianne Bayfield with Manobo children

April 21, 2020

EPISODE 19 | Medical Care in Church Planting with Marianne Bayfield

This week we hear how medical work can play an important role in a church plant. Marianne Bayfield, a church planter in the Philippines, shares about her family’s ministry to the Manobo people who heard the gospel message for the first time in early 2016. From chronological Bible lessons to caring for peoples’ medical needs—we know you’ll enjoy our conversation with Marianne!


  • Connect with Marianne Bayfield here.
  • Watch this video of Marianne and Grant, Ministering Medically, here.
  • Marianne recommends the Missionary Medicine Intensive course through Equip International.
  • You can read updates and prayer requests for the Manobo people group here.


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How ordinary women spread the gospel story.