Cynthia Barkman, Ethnos Canada missionary

February, 25th, 2020


Cynthia Barkman has served for the past 25+ years in mission aviation with Ethnos Canada. She shares what life as a pilot’s wife has been like and how she is now involved in mentoring and training others at Moody Aviation. We hope to gain a clear picture of how mission aviators advance the gospel to the ends of the earth.


  • “bush location” – a remote location in the jungle, where a tribal village may be located.
  • Ethnos360 Aviation – Ethnos360 Aviation’s core purpose is to assist the church planting ministries of Ethnos360 and likeminded ministries through the use of aviation to achieve the goal of a thriving church for every people.
  • HF radio – is short for “high frequency radio” which is used to communicate with missionary pilots or missionaries located in remote locations where there are no other reliable forms of communication.
  • maintenance – refers to the task of maintaining an aircraft and keeping it in working condition.
  • Missionary aviation – is aviation involved in transporting missionaries or indigenous people to remote locations to speed the progress of a church plant or Bible translation.
  • Moody Aviation – Is an undergraduate program with Moody Bible Institute where you can major in Missionary Aviation Technology.
  • seconded – an employee that is temporarily assigned to work for another organization or employer.
  • solar system – is referring to a power system that uses solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity
  • SOP – is an acronym for “Standard Operating Procedure”.
  • twin engine – is referring to an aircraft powered by two engines.


  • You can connect with Cynthia here or e-mail her at
  • Your kids can be involved in helping purchase helicopters for missionary aviation! You can download a free wrap here.
  • Read here how you can give towards the cost of three helicopters for missionaries in Papua New Guinea.
  • Watch a video about the needs for new helicopters in Papua New Guinea.
  • Give towards flights for national and indigenous missionaries!
  • Watch a video about how you can help keep costs down for flights for national missionaries.
  • Learn how you can pray or support Ethnos360 Aviation here.


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How ordinary women spread the gospel story.