
Join us every other Tuesday to listen to a new episode of the Compel podcast! Come hear from our sisters who have been in gospel-spreading work and listen to missions-related topics!


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Khevna Dave, Compel Podcast guest

Episode 27 | Motivated by Eternity with Khevna Dave

We are enjoying hearing from different women and the biblical truths that motivate them both in their Christian faith and spreading the gospel. Today we are joined by Khevna Dave, who is the Director of The Missions Hub in downtown Toronto. She shares what it means to keep an eternal perspective and how that compels us to think and act.

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a picture of the guest

Episode 26 | Sustained by Grace with Dr. Linda Reed

In today’s episode, we are talking with Dr. Linda Reed from Heritage College & Seminary about some of the challenges she has faced in her life and ministry and how God has sustained her through it all.

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a picture of the guest

Episode 25 | Our Identity in Christ with Karen Earls

Today we are excited to have Karen Earls with us to talk about our identity in Christ. Karen is a local who has worked at Word of Life Bible Institute and has experience as a Biblical counsellor to women. We had such an encouraging truth-filled conversation with her about who we are in Christ and how that motivates us in gospel-spreading work!

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a picture of the guest

Episode 24 | Relying on God’s Word with Andrea Thom

Andrea Thom, a Canadian author and Bible teacher, shares how we can know the Bible is reliable and trustworthy, and briefly on how we got the Bible. We hope you find this conversation as encouraging as we did!

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a picture of the guest

Episode 23 | Driven By Our Purpose with Lindsay Campbell

This fall we are taking some time to zoom out and talk about the “why” behind missions. What motivates us to spread the Gospel story? Last week we talked about how the love of Christ compels us to action. If you missed that episode, I encourage you to go back and listen. It’s a foundational episode for this series. This week we are talking with Lindsay Campbell from Word of Life Bible Institute about purpose. What did God save us for? What is God’s purpose? And, subsequently, what is our purpose?

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women on a mountain with sunset

Episode 22 | Compelled by Christ’s Love with Michelle Beeksma

Welcome back to season three of the Compel podcast. This episode Michelle Beeksma and I are gathering round to chat briefly about why it is so important to know the gospel message and share it with others—and also what is going to keep us motivated to do these things. We walk through 2 Corinthians 5:15-21 and apply these biblical principles to our lives today.

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women studying the Bible on a picnic table

Episode 21 | Where Bible and Missions are One with Emily, Joanna, & Katie

In today’s episode, we’re getting a glimpse of Bible school life and short-term mission trips from the perspective of Bible school students. Ethnos360 Bible Institute has a great two-year program with an emphasis on the Bible, missions, and discipleship. You will enjoy hearing from three young women and how the Bible school encouraged their pursuit of missions.

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Michael Haykin sitting at Andrew Fuller's desk at Fuller Baptist Church, UK

Episode 20 | Women in Church History with Dr. Michael Haykin

Today we are talking with Dr. Michael Haykin, a church history professor at Heritage College & Seminary. We are delighted to hear how women have been involved in gospel-spreading work for the past 2,000 years, and can’t wait to learn from our sisters-in-Christ who have gone before us.

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Marianne Bayfield with Manobo children

Episode 19 | Medical Care in Church Planting with Marianne Bayfield

This week we hear how medical work can play an important role in a church plant. Marianne Bayfield, a church planter in the Philippines, shares about her family’s ministry to the Manobo people who heard the gospel message for the first time in early 2016. From chronological Bible lessons to caring for peoples’ medical needs—we know you’ll enjoy our conversation with Marianne!

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Mel Humphreys, Ethnos Canada missionary with Paraguayan woman

Episode 18 | Living in Isolation with Mel Humphreys

In today’s episode, Mel Humphreys shares about the challenges her family faced in living in a remote village in Paraguay. It was encouraging to hear how they persevered through times of fear, loneliness, and extreme isolation—looking to God to sustain them during those challenging times.

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Elissa and Melody, Ethnos Canada missionaries, teaching kids

EPISODE 17 | Equipping the Family for Ministry with Elissa Hawley

Today we hear from Elissa Hawley who serves at Ethnos Canada’s training program. She shares how her role in childcare helps equip families for cross-cultural ministry and supports church planting around the world.

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woman looking over the horizon

EPISODE 16 | God’s Heart for the Nations with Kirsten Kurvits

Join us for a round table discussion with Kirsten Kurvits as we talk about God’s heart for the nations. We discuss where we see missions in the Bible and why we should care so much about taking the gospel to nations and language groups that do not have access to it.

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Cynthia Barkman, Ethnos Canada missionary

EPISODE 15 | Missionary Aviation with Cynthia Barkman

Cynthia Barkman has served for the past 25+ years in mission aviation with Ethnos Canada. She shares what life as a pilot’s wife has been like and how she is now involved in mentoring and training others at Moody Aviation. We hope to gain a clear picture of how mission aviators advance the gospel to the ends of the earth.

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Leah Humphreys, drinking terere with Manjui ladies

EPISODE 14 | Trusting God with Our Kids with Leah Humphreys

On today’s episode, Leah Humphreys is sharing with us about the fears we face taking our kids to the mission field, as well as truths from God’s Word that combat those fears. Leah served in Paraguay as a church planter for 25 years, and now serves in a member care ministry with Ethnos Canada, and we are so thankful how she always points us back to the Truth.

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Vern and Holly Dyck with their kids by an airplane

EPISODE 13 | Caring for Missionary Kids with Holly Dyck

Today we have the joy to sit down with Holly Dyck, who serves in the Missionary Kid Care & Education Department with Ethnos Canada. We can’t wait to hear about how we can better care for missionary kids, as well as gain an understanding of some of the challenges families face serving in remote locations.

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EPISODE 12 | Translating God’s Word with Rebecca Preheim

This week we have Rebecca Preheim with us, a missionary to the Mangen tribe in Papua New Guinea. She shares about how she and her co-worker, Keri, translated the New Testament into their heart language and the joys and challenges along the way.

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missionary women standing together

EPISODE 11 | Equipping Women for Discipleship with Colleen McFadden

We have a special episode today! We are in Toronto with our friend, Colleen McFadden, who trains women Bible teachers with Simeon Trust and leads the women’s ministries at her church. We will be talking about why it is important for women to be involved in discipleship and how to be equipped to share God’s Word with others.

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Lesley Doerksen, Ethnos Canada missionary with people from Papua New Guinea

EPISODE 10 Bonus | God’s Faithfulness with Lesley Doerksen

We have another bonus episode to share with you this week! Today I am here with my co-host, Lesley Doerksen, who is going to be sharing her story with us about how she got involved in missions and how she has seen God’s faithfulness in every season of her life.

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Kirsten Kurvits, Ethnos Canada missionary enroute to Mexico

EPISODE 09 | Fear of Failure with Kirsten Kurvits

In today’s episode, you’ll hear from Kirsten Kurvits, who was involved in training missionaries at Ethnos Canada’s cross-cultural training centre, and is now en route to Mexico. Kirsten talks about her fear of failure and combats that with truths from the Old Testament about doing hard things for God.

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Lauren Ducommun, Ethnos Canada missionary on motorcycle in Asia

Episode 08 Bonus | God’s Goodness with Lauren Ducommun

We have a special bonus episode for you. Lesley Doerksen is interviewing her co-host, Lauren Ducommun. We hope you enjoy hearing more of Lauren’s story and how God led her into missions. She also shares about God’s goodness in her life amidst trials and transitions.

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Shannon Talbot, former Ethnos Canada missionary to the Philippines

Episode 07 | Contentment in Ministry with Shannon Talbot

Today we are sitting down with Shannon Talbot, a church planter in the Philippines. She is a mom to seven wonderful kids, and shares about motherhood, ministry, and being content.

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Teresa Dyck, Ethnos Canada missionary teaching literacy

Episode 06 | Importance of Literacy with Teresa Dyck

Teresa Dyck is joining us this week to share about church planting in South America. She has a heart to see the written Word translated and read by the indigenous people there, and shares with us the value of teaching literacy.

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man and woman in snow gear with a northern community in the background

Episode 05 | Northern Canada Church Development with Jessica Martin

On today’s episode, Jessica Martin is joining us to share about Church Development in Northern Canada. This is a field dear to our heart, because it’s in our own backyard, and we look forward to hearing from her about the many indigenous peoples in Canada that are still waiting to hear the Gospel message.

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Odie reading to some kids

Episode 04 | Discipleship Starts at Home with Odie Goddard

This week we are thrilled to have with us Odie Goddard, a church planter in Paraguay. She is going to share with us how her family have ministered together and how they have used God’s Word to disciple others OR how she made discipling her kids a priority, but also had an incredible ministry to women and other kids in her community.

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Sylvia with her husband and four children

Episode 03 | It Takes a Team with Sylvia Krobel

On our third episode, we are sitting down with Sylvia Krobel, a missionary from Papua New Guinea. We are excited to talk with her about the teamwork it takes to support church planters in isolated people groups, and hope it gives clarity on some of the vital roles needed in missions.

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Linda Rosengren and her family on the mission field

Episode 02 | Bible Translation with Linda Rosengren

On our second episode, we have with us our dear friend, Linda Rosengren, a Bible translator with Ethnos Canada. She is going to share with us the importance of translating the Bible into a heart language, and share a story of God’s faithfulness in her life and ministry, even through tragedy and loss.

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Episode 01 | Introduction with Lesley Doerksen & Lauren Ducommun

We are excited to introduce Compel, a missions podcast for women. On our first ever episode of the Compel podcast, Lesley and I will briefly share about unreached people groups and what this podcast is all about.

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How ordinary women spread the gospel story.