Missionary Craig Cassel, and his son, Cody, recently took time to join other missionaries to encourage the church among the Wana people in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Cassels visited three different Wana villages and fellowshipped with believers in the mornings. During the afternoons and evenings, they met with church leaders.

“We spent time laying before them the challenge of reaching other people groups,” Craig wrote. “We wanted to know how they saw NTM partnering with them in this vital need of outreach and church planting.”

Craig hopes to be an encouragement to the Wana believers because they feel that the challenge of church planting and outreach is beyond them.

“It truly is way beyond any of us,” Craig wrote. “Apart from the Lord’s strength, wisdom , and provisions, this job will not get done. Jesus said that He will build His church and the gates of Hell [will] not prevail.”

Please pray for these believers as they prepare to do God’s work and reach out to other tribes.