Dear Friend,

I remember the first time hiking into the mountain hamlet where Awayo lived. We were there to make a video about Awayo’s story of moving from fear to faith. When we arrived, he was sitting in front of the men’s house and got up to give us the traditional greeting of his people, a two-finger snap.

It became evident that the men’s house was where the men sleep. Off to the side was the women’s house for women and children. They had lived like this for generations.

But as Awayo and his wife, Simi, grew in their walk with the Lord, they were burdened to love one another and their children more. Seeing their children and their parental responsibilities in a new light, they decided to change their living arrangements.

They built a new house for their family, one that they would all live in together.

“We wanted our own place to live in,” Awayo stated.

Simi added, “I feel really burdened about teaching my kids. I pray about that all the time, especially for my little girl. I want her to read and understand the Scriptures when she is older. At night I pray often for that. For those reasons, we built a house where we can all live together.

“This way we can work together to teach our children. We are thinking when they leave home, we really want them to understand God’s talk.”

Awayo added, “And not just teaching our children but us teaching each other as well.”

In their desire to grow in their faith and be better parents, Awayo and Simi did something that had never been done in their people group.

All over the world, God is changing the lives of tribal people like Awayo and Simi through skilled and dedicated missionaries who are translating and teaching God’s Word and through you, our partners.

Thank you. This issue of NTM@work is our gift to you.


Macon Hare

Executive Editor


PS The year 2017 marks 75 years that New Tribes Mission has been a channel for you to reach the dark corners of the world with God’s light. So the enclosed 2017 calendar includes quotes from our founders that still inspire us and guide us today and that we hope will do the same for the next 75 years.