I love to tell you stories of God’s work. So this time, I’m not going to.

Instead, I’m going to let this issue of the magazine tell Amelia’s story. It’s a story that has captivated me since I first heard it. I read a brief book about her in Spanish, and just wanted to know more. Our team talked about the story many times, and when Amelia came to Florida for a Bible translation workshop, we interviewed her.

But there was still so much more to the story.

So last fall I went with two writers and a photographer to the village in Mexico where Amelia and her team work. We spent almost a week with them, and with Amelia’s pastor. We came away with more stories and photos than any issue of any magazine could do justice to.

Amazingly, it all comes down to one simple word: Yes.

Amelia had no idea what God meant when He spoke to her about being a missionary, but she said, “Yes, Lord,” in faith. Her church knew sponsoring her ministry was impossible for them. So they said, “Yes, Lord,” in faith. And the team of missionaries among the Triqui people has faced huge obstacles and issues, and simply say, “Yes, Lord,” in faith.

Let’s not put it off any longer! Go ahead and read this story from cover to cover. Then, please consider whether there is anything to which you should be saying, “Yes, Lord.”

Please email me if you’ve been inspired to say, “Yes, Lord.”

Email Macon Hare