Missionaries aren’t born – they’re made – through a process of formal training and life experiences. As God stirs hearts to His work, He also provides a way to prepare them. Whether ministering in a village in Africa, or at a desk in the Canada, God readies His people for service.

Each Day’s Learning Builds on the Next

A missionary’s training didn’t start when they arrived at Bible college — it began much earlier. A mission trip in high school may have ignited a passion for ministry, or the impact their church has had on them over the years. These experiences are the foundation for future ministry. Because an interest in missions often grows from exposure to the need, NTM offers several exploration opportunities. Many have had their hearts gripped for the lost world through an Interface Missions Course, or a stay at Wayumi or Off The Grid. Each program allows individuals to dive deeper into God’s heart for the nations.

Training Leads to Impact

Continually growing in our faith and knowledge of the Lord prepares us to reach others with the Good News. It doesn’t matter if we serve in Brazil, work on an oil field in Alberta, or raise a family in Toronto, God is always working on our hearts to equip us to reach the lost. You can be a powerful witness for Christ at home and at work by seeking God’s wisdom and guidance each day. Look for ways to increase your biblical knowledge, and ask God for opportunities to share the gospel. He will be faithful to provide.

Pray for NTM Training Centres

Most people who serve with NTM overseas have gone through a formal training experience to prepare them for the challenges of working in a foreign land. Two ways Ethnos prepares its people for missions are through the Ethnos360 Bible Institute and Emanate. Both instruct and equip individuals and families to effectively minister cross culturally. Each stage of training can have its challenges — whether it’s learning a foreign language or adopting a new culture. Please join us as we pray for those preparing for full-time mission work, and spend a moment in prayer for how God would have you reach someone with the Good News.

Learn more about missionary training.