Let the Little Children Come

Just in time for Christmas, in a Piapoco village, ten little boys and eight little girls put their faith in Christ. “What a joy to hear that they know Jesus had died in their place, for their sins, and that they were trusting in Him,” wrote Wayne and Patsy Gibson.

What a joy to hear that they know Jesus had died in their place, for their sins, and that they were trusting in Him.

Discipleship Isn’t Just for Adults

923ed8a4-070c-4da4-9c16-7042e6307b52But salvation is only the beginning. Discipleship isn’t just for adults, but for children as well. When classes resume in February, these young babes in Christ will be taught truths from God’s Word — and the gospel message will be presented again to the yet unsaved.

All this wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for dedicated teachers like Nelly, a Piapoco believer. Just one week after giving birth, Nelly told Patsy, “I’m ready to get back to teaching the kids again.”

Patsy wrote, “

[Nelly] really enjoys teaching and does such a good job communicating at their level. Thank you for praying for someone to help me with the pre-schoolers.”

Bible Teachers Needed

But more dedicated teachers are needed.

“Pray that other Piapoco Christians will join us in this ministry,” Patsy wrote in a recent update.

Would you do just that? Please pray that God would raise up more dedicated teachers from among the Piapoco believers to teach, not only men and women, but also the children.