“My family is listening,” said Onepadeo. “They have already heard all the way from the Creator’s making of all things to the life of Moses. Only a little while longer and they will hear about Jesus and what He has done for them. And oh, it will be so good!”

Onepadeo’s family live in a remote village two days hike from her home. Dao Bible teachers are teaching evangelistic Bible lessons there and Onepadeo and her husband Kogipiyaa joyfully travel back and forth in order to bring notes of encouragement as well as books and basic supplies to the teachers there.

Much of her family is coming to the meetings and she is hopeful that soon they will place their trust in Jesus Christ and join the family of believers.

Missionaries Scott and Jennie Phillips are delighted to report that since they presented the Gospel to the Daos, the people have grown in the Lord and now Scott and Jennie serve as co-teachers with the Daos, who are taking responsibility to reach their own people.

The Dao Bible teachers are beginning another outreach in their village in order to reach those who recently moved into the village. One of the men there, Oseya said, “Thank you, thank you! I have heard bits and pieces of the story about Jesus but I must hear the whole teaching from beginning to end. I want to understand well this talk about Jesus and who He was and what He did for us. I can’t believe I will finally have my chance to hear and understand the whole story from beginning to end! I will listen and hold on to every single word.”

Praise God that Oseya is so eager to hear evangelistic Bible lessons. Pray that he will understand the Gospel message and place his faith in Christ. Pray too that the Dao Bible teachers who are carrying the bulk of the responsibility for the teaching both in the remote village and in their own village will present the lessons clearly and that many will respond.