Daokagi couldn’t believe his ears.

“Is it true? Is that really what He is doing for us — right now?”

The Dao man had just heard the words of Jesus in John 14:2: “In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”

“Today you have carried me a really good talk, my friend,” Daokagi, grinning from ear to ear, told missionary Scott Phillips. “My heart is happy because I have heard these words.”

Although he has claimed to be a believer for a while now, these words had never been available to him in his own language before last week. For the next half hour Daokagi asked Scott question after question about the house that Jesus is preparing for him.

“Will my family and friends that have also believed the message of Jesus be able to spend time with me in this mansion? Will it be close by the houses that He has already prepared for Wikipai and Totopwi and the other Dao believers that have already gone up to God’s good place above the sky before us?”

Scott told Daokagi that he had never seen this place or these “mansions,” but the joy believers will experience with the Creator in Heaven will far outweigh even the greatest and happiest moments here on earth.

“This is one of the great joys of being involved in bringing the Word of God to a language and a people that has never had it available to them before,” Scott wrote. “The joy of seeing someone hear a newly translated verse for the first time and just be overcome with wonder because of the incomparable promises that are given to those that are part of God’s family.

“This is what we have been spending almost every day doing for the past month now, translating the book of John into the Dao language. … Every day that we work together with Dao believers such as Daokagi to put God’s Word into the their language, and every Sunday as we teach these rich truths to young believers, we are privileged to be able to play a part in what God is doing here.”

Please pray for the Dao people and for Scott and Jennie Phillips as they press forward to put the entirety of God’s Word into the Dao language.