Two weeks ago the Dao believers had a wonderful, encouraging worship service.

Missionaries Derek and Sarah Grant said, “It was such a good, Christ-centered time of fellowship it made us not want to go out on our break at all.”

That is a big thing for missionaries who have been in a small village in the jungle with no co-workers for several months.

The Grants did go out for a short break and were able to meet with their co-workers, Scott and Jennie Phillips. They were able to share concerning the passion and growing faith of the Dao believers for hearing and teaching God’s Word.

The Grants also shared with Scott and Jennie about Ekapitaa, a village leader from an unreached area two to three days hike away. He sent a message to the missionaries and the Dao Bible teachers.

“Please tell Scott that we want to hear this Creators Talk. We want it so much that we are waiting for the time that you along with the Dao Bible teachers will bring it to us. When the time comes that you are ready to tell us of the Creators message just send us word and we will come. We will gather everybody from our area. We will all hike the trails all the way down to where you are and we will live in your area for as long as two moons [months]. We will do this all just so that we can hear the Creator’s message.

If you would rather hike to our territory and tell us in our own houses we will wait for you here. When you come we will provide everything you need including food so that you can live among us. We will provide for you so that you can stay and we can finally hear this big message. We want to hear this message and we even now wait for the day you can teach it to us. These are the words of Ekapitaa.”

Please pray for the Dao believers to continue to grow in the Lord and desire to learn more about Him. Pray too for Ekapitaa and the people in neighboring areas who are still waiting to hear the Gospel for the first time.