Thank you for considering joining us at our upcoming Church Leaders Forum. We are confident it will be an informative and encouraging time for you and for all who attend:

  • When was the last time you took a serious look at how we are doing as a global Church to reach those without any knowledge of Christ?
  • How many people groups are still without the Word of God in their own language and how are we doing as we consider the Lord’s command that every people group would be represented around His throne?
  • What does it take to communicate the Gospel with someone of a completely different worldview?
  • What are the obstacles and challenges that face us as we reach cross culturally, even into our own neighbourhoods?
  • How can we ensure that we lay a solid foundation of biblical teaching that results in mature disciple making?

This is some of the informative discussion and interaction that will take place as we deal with some of these issues at our Church Leaders Forum, as well as celebrate some very real success stories that will encourage your hearts! We live in a world that for various reasons is rapidly changing and we want to talk about these changes and how they impact world missions. We also recognize that the world in its many diverse cultures is now coming to us and as a result of 70 years of experience we would like to provide some cross cultural tools that can help you in your own ministry.


‘It would be well worth your time to attend a NTM Pastor’s forum! Their heart for the unreached and commitment to reach them is unmatched. The information they shared with us was not only valuable, but passionate. I feverishly made notes to bring home to my flock so they could be as enthused and inspired as I had been…” – Pastor Jeff Woodcock, Bridgewater, NS

“I found the gathering to be enlightening, beneficial and encouraging as I fellowshipped with mission leaders and local pastors. I would encourage pastors and church leaders to attend a “Church Leaders’ Forum” and consider allowing Ethnos to partner with them in the great task of global evangelism.” – Pastor Barry Beebe, Northside Baptist Church, ON and former president of New Brunswick Bible Institute

“The gathering of the church leaders gave a real sense of involvement, like-mindedness and of mission awareness and focus. The actual presentation at the forum was very informative, giving us an exciting history of God’s calling, working and provision…” – Doug Bott – Clifford Community church, ON

Register today!