Pray for New Missionaries
"Pray as we start building up our team, the Lord would provide the necessary funds to leave for Nunavut by Summer of 2023 or sooner."
"Pray as we start building up our team, the Lord would provide the necessary funds to leave for Nunavut by Summer of 2023 or sooner."
"Please pray for opportunities to share what God is doing around the world and how the body of believers can engage with the unreached, including among the Inuit.
"Please pray that we can honestly and organically share what we are about and keep doors open for relationship, without pressing these hot buttons.”
This is God at work like we’ve seen Him work overseas for so many years! Now word is spreading to non-aboriginal churches in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario. Please pray for favour, discernment, provision, and protection.
"It seems like [Satan] is fervent in attacking Ethnos Canada’s efforts to reach the far north for God’s glory. Pray for reaching the indigenous folks of the Yukon.”