Guanano translation goes back
With the New Testament completed, missionaries are working with believers to translate portions of the Old Testament.
With the New Testament completed, missionaries are working with believers to translate portions of the Old Testament.
Guananos are responding to teaching about spiritual gifts by encouraging, comforting and exhorting others.
The Cubeos need to learn to read and write in their own language so that they can read the Scriptures in their own language.
Missionaries Andy and Chrissy Shaub gained a great deal of understanding of the Awa culture and language as they prepared for a Bible conference.
Guanano believer Gustavo and missionary Barry Spor are working together on lessons from Romans—even though they are thousands of miles apart.
Irlei, daughter pf strong believers in the Guanano church, is revcovering from a serious illness.
The believers are taking on responsibilities of leading and teaching.