Empowered by God to Learn
"We faced many challenges beyond our abilities. Praise God with us as we recognize God's faithfulness that transcends our circumstances."
Translation Consultant Checks
Pray for Liv and the consultants as they continue getting Scripture ready for the people group.
Wisdom for Clear Translation
"Pray that the Lord provides the right helpers for the different steps of the translation."
‘Operation Printing’ Completed!
"Pray for the literacy groups continuing in their village and also the literacy groups being started by someone else in another village."
Developing Bible Curriculum For Believers in West Africa
"I want to travel ... to spend time with the believers, discuss this with them and work on refining drafted lesson material. There is a new cell tower in the village, so I am hopeful this will allow for communication between us. Right now, the situation there is uncertain … with travel restrictions."
Pray for Jeremy and Kimberly Wardlaw
"Pray for our host church and host family as they help us take on the qualities required for an effective long-term ministry here."
The Lolo Bibles Have Arrived!
God’s Word in Lolo Matt and Debi Zook went as missionaries to Mozambique in 2005. Later that same year, the moved into the Lolo people group to begin ministering there. As heart language ministry is [...]
Rick & Muriel Oickle
Rick and Muriel are in transition between ministries.
Alessandro & Chantal Parrillo
Alessandro and Chantal served on the church planting team among the Wey people of Guinea, where the Bible teaching has recently begun. They now serve in Dakar, Senegal and are primarily involved in equipping new missionaries to serve in West Africa.
Prayer & Praise
Read this collection of prayer requests and answers to prayer from around the world.
Tanzania: a Land of Diversity
What does it take to reach people in such a culturally, linguistically, and geographically diverse country? A diverse team — the whole body of Christ.
Heart Language Ministries
“The weather app on my phone was showing a little sun icon with a 39°C beside it. Hmm. Even after living in Thailand over 20 years, I do not relate to Celsius the same as [...]
The Importance of the Book
The Church among the Budik people of Senegal showed little evidence of spiritual life. Then something happened that changed everything. The Budik believers received the New Testament in their own language. May the testimony of the Budik believers remind us not just to hold God's Word, but open it, read it, live it and share it.
Missionary Training Equipped African Couple
Jean and Sylvie never knew how much a person’s worldview mattered. That was before NTM's missionary training equipped them.
Sticking It Out From the Start
Joanna Kreiger is finding that strength and perseverance are also necessary to becoming a missionary, not just remaining one.
Missionary Avionics Technician
Our avionics specialists maintain Kodiaks and Robinson R66s serving the church planting ministries of Ethnos360 and its affiliates. They ensure that the aircraft are in compliance with Ethnos360 Aviation and local country standards.
Missionary Helicopter Pilot/Mechanic
Our pilot/mechanics fly and maintain R66s to support church planting teams. Meeting transportation needs includes flying medevacs; bringing supplies, equipment, medicine, food, mail, etc.; and encouraging church planters in their ministry.
Missionary Aircraft Maintenance Specialist or AME
Our maintenance specialists maintain Kodiaks and Robinson R66s serving the church planting ministries of Ethnos360 and its affiliates. They ensure that the aircraft are in compliance with Ethnos360 Aviation and local country standards.
Missionary Airplane Pilot
Our airplane pilots fly Kodiaks to support church planting teams. Meeting transportation needs includes flying medevacs; bringing supplies, equipment, medicine, food, mail, etc.; and encouraging church planters in their ministry.
Missionary Helicopter Pilot
Our helicopter pilots fly Robinson R66s to support church planting teams. Meeting transportation needs includes flying medevacs; bringing supplies, equipment, medicine, food, mail, etc.; and encouraging church planters in their ministry.
Missionary Airplane Pilot/Mechanic
Our pilot/mechanics fly and maintain Kodiaks to support church planting teams. Meeting transportation needs includes flying medevacs; bringing supplies, equipment, medicine, food, mail, etc.; and encouraging church planters in their ministry.