Jacob & Beth Devine
Jacob and Beth live in the Highlands region of Papua New Guinea where they are guest house managers.
Jacob and Beth live in the Highlands region of Papua New Guinea where they are guest house managers.
After I completed high school in Papua New Guinea, I did not think I would return to PNG but was open to go wherever the Lord saw fit to send me.
Kevin and Stella Stroud-Lusk serve as Special Education teachers at Faith Academy in the Philippines. They are also ministry partners with a local church in a squatter community.
While at Bible school in England, they found out about unreached people groups never having the chance to hear the Word of God. The Lord changed the directions of the Epps from the snowy mountains of Canada to the jungle of the Philippines.
Little did John know how moving to the Philippines at the age of 14 would direct the course of his life.
Shaun and Melanie are involved in Indigenous Ministries, leadership and Biblical counseling.
Rick and Muriel are in transition between ministries.
Peter & Elaine, with their four children, are part of a tribal church planting team in Asia Pacific. They are taking an interim ministry as missionary-in-residence, teaching at Millar College of the Bible, BC.
Terry & Rosie currently reside in Canada as part of the Ethnos Church Relations team, bringing awareness of the desperate needs of the least reached people groups of the World and to make His name known among the nations (Ethnos)!