Featured Article

The joy of yes

Tears welled in Amelia’s eyes as she pondered the faithfulness of God in not only her life, but in that of her younger siblings. It was on this mountain with no grandeur that time and time again God had proven His faithfulness and His grandeur. But she hadn’t always understood that.

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Children’s ministry

June 1st, 2015|Comments Off on Children’s ministry

Canadian children and high school youth are learning about missions in a unique way through puppetry, storytelling, music, and drama.

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  • Praying together

Needs help us grow

June 1st, 2015|Comments Off on Needs help us grow

Needs can be overwhelming. Where do you start or stop?

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  • Snell with horses

There is no age requirement!

June 1st, 2015|Comments Off on There is no age requirement!

"NTM is on Pinterest? How does that help missions?"

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  • Smiling couple

Estate Planning: Lifetime income, eternal investment

June 1st, 2015|Comments Off on Estate Planning: Lifetime income, eternal investment

"...through our giving, we're linked to planting churches...

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  • Language helpers

Pray for Gricelda

June 1st, 2015|Comments Off on Pray for Gricelda

God has taken her to places she couldn't have imagined.

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  • National Language helpers

Editor’s Letter

June 1st, 2015|Comments Off on Editor’s Letter

There was still so much more to the story...

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Ethnos360 Bible Institute offers affordable Bible education that teaches every book of the Bible with a focus on full-time missions.

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Discover the heart of cross-cultural missions. Come face-to-face with unknown realities as you learn from missionaries in the field. Your life will never be the same.

Interface is a six-week, college-level missions course in Papua New Guinea. It’s for college students, married couples, singles, pastors, or anyone eager to know more about missions. The minimum age is 17.

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