Feature Article

Where does the journey start?

The completion of an important milestone for the Siawi people begs the question that hundreds of people groups are asking: Where are the men and women who will bring God’s Word to us? We know a great place to start.

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  • Siawi hiking in jungle

Editor’s Letter: Randy Green is lost!

March 25th, 2014|Comments Off on Editor’s Letter: Randy Green is lost!

What is our rescue strategy?

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  • Teaching Moi

How Much Training Is Enough?

March 24th, 2014|Comments Off on How Much Training Is Enough?

Being a pastor isn’t easy. So it makes sense that many pastoral positions require a master of divinity degree, which takes two to four years of study after a four-year degree. Yet people are often surprised that NTM’s missionary training takes so long — two to four years.

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  • couple sitting by fence

Discover a New Perspective on Mission Work

March 24th, 2014|Comments Off on Discover a New Perspective on Mission Work

Partner to Partner helps you see how God is working around the world through your involvement with NTM. In addition to encouraging stories of transformed lives, each letter presents ways for you to help accelerate God’s work among the unreached people of the world.

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Do you want to be part of sending more missionaries to the field? Then encourage your sons, your daughters, your grandchildren, your friends and any other potential students from your church or youth group, to attend NTM Canada’s missionary training program, Emanate. Or decide to attend yourself. The result may be a tribe somewhere in the world coming to know Christ.

Visit missionarytraining.ca

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