Paul and Tina McDole minister among the Buru people of Asia Pacific. “2020 was a great year for the Buru believers! Church services were held in homes for much of the year. Leaders gained experience in leading worship that they would not have had if we had met together. Many people heard the gospel in their homes. Kace, one of the teachers reported, ‘Everyone who wants to hear the Good News in this village has heard it now.’ New believers and older ones decided to get baptized — over 40 people. Young people from the village are now hearing the Good News in the towns where they attend school. Two young people from the village, Roki and Fatia, attended Bible school. They are now teaching youth in the village for 10 weeks before they return for further training. Then we ordained Sony, Kace, Jani, and Lipus as our first church elders.”

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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