Jean and Sylvie want to be trained for cross-cultural church planting.

Confusion and darkness filled Jean’s growing up years. He was born into a family who practiced a bewildering mixture of distorted Christianity and traditional animism.

Jean’s resulting confusion brought him to a futile search for answers in prominent world religion for awhile.

Still struggling to find the peace and joy that he longed for, Jean returned in desperation once again to his roots and tried in vain to find rest for his soul.

In 1984, Jean heard a group of young people make a simple and clear presentation of the gospel. Finally he understood that he was a sinner, but that Christ had paid for his sin. He embraced the Good News about His Lord and Saviour that day and has been following Christ ever since.

After ministering as a pastor for many years without the benefit of formal training, Jean had the opportunity to take a three-year Bible training program. Since completing this program, Jean has been serving faithfully as a pastor and teacher and also working to disciple university students.

Recently God has burdened the hearts of Jean and his wife, Sylvie, in a new direction. They feel called to reach out to unreached people with the Gospel that has transformed their own lives.

Jean shares from his heart, “For several years, my wife, Sylvie, and I have had a burden for unreached peoples. There are many challenges in missions, especially among unreached peoples.

“It is important for us to get more training—particularly from those who are experienced in this work and can better help us understand how to serve in this ministry which is very close to God’s heart. We think that NTM, in light of their history and experience, can provide us with the skills we will need.

“Even having a lot of experience working with the church does not prepare me for ministry among unreached peoples. I am struck with the need to be trained before starting work in this context. … This necessitates taking the training that NTM is offering.”

Lost, unreached people are waiting for the message of the Gospel that Jean and Sylvie so long to share with them. You can help NTM train new missionaries. Your gift will help.