For quite a while, Ethnos360 Aviation has been focusing hard on the need for three helicopters for Papua New Guinea. You, our faithful partners, have responded. Through you, God has provided the first R66, and it is almost ready to ship to the field. Also, we are just over half way to purchasing the second one.

Meanwhile, as you read in Right Under Our Noses, God marvelously orchestrated the amazing provision of an R66 for the Philippines.

All that time, we knew that Asia Pacific also had a pressing need for a helicopter to keep supporting the church planting teams there, made up mostly of national and indigenous believers. Though we did not announce this need as a project, God knew all about it.

Here’s how it happened. The Ethnos Canada leadership team presented the need of a helicopter for Asia Pacific to a Canadian donor seeking a project to fund. Not only did the donor agree to provide the helicopter itself but also the outfitting and shipping to the field. Our Canadian helicopter pilot in Asia Pacific, just finishing his language study, will now have a helicopter to fly!

Three days later — more good news came from Asia Pacific! Zachary, a national we are bringing to the USA to study mission aviation, finally got his visa. It took long years of patient waiting, but God made it happen. We look forward to the day he returns to fly with us in Asia Pacific.

We could sing “Showers of Blessing,” but this feels more like a downpour! Praise be to our loving heavenly Father, from whom all good gifts come.

If you prayed, if you gave, God is using you as a vital link to reach the world for Christ. Thank you! Let’s rejoice together at God’s downpour of blessings.