Canadians Merrill and Teresa minister in Latin America. “Our team got back from P-land after living with them for a good three weeks. What a glorious time they had. …. They had great times of fellowship and teaching with the saints. What a joy for them to witness the little village schools kick into action as soon as the school supplies arrived. They also enjoyed the meetings each afternoon in their host village when the pastor would take the believers through the Old Testament teaching, using the lessons that we had sent in earlier. So yes, the team was encouraged with all that God is doing there in P-land, and we, of course, were also blessed and encouraged with all the good news. We are still enjoying the audios and letters that were sent to us from pastors and other believers. When one of the believers was sharing, he said. ‘Now that I’m a paid-for-in-full-one with Jesus, I’m in the safe place, the place of no casting out, and the place of no shame.’ Pray that the Word of God would continue to move powerfully in P-land. We just sent off another book of Bible lessons in the P language to our host country for printing. Pray that they get shipped from the print shop in time to get them into the hands of the believers this dry season.”

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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