Bob and Debbie Clark minister among the Tugutil people of Asia Pacific. “As it turns out, the ‘Finish Line’ for completing our Tugutil Bible is not a narrow ribbon which sprinters breakthrough in a single moment in time but rather consists of many segments. In our last update, we mentioned the first stage of completion, which was the final consultant check of our New Testament translation (late 2019) and also the final editing stage that took much of 2020 and the first few months of 2021. Now we are thrilled to pass along [the fact] that two more ‘finish line’ stages have been completed — the actual printing of the first 1,200 copies of the Tugutil Bible and their shipment by boat and truck to our regional center, where they can later be delivered by small plane to the Tugutil people! But a few stages of the finish line remain, due mostly to the ongoing pandemic that is still hitting Asia harder than the USA. We had been planning to hold a large Bible dedication ceremony in the Tugutil village this Fall, but we are now pushing that back to sometime in 2022 when it will be safer for all involved and less complicated for international travel. Although the celebration is on hold, we don’t want to keep the newly printed Bibles out of the hands of our fellow believers who have been awaiting it for so long. So, we are now communicating with some of the Tugutil leaders to determine when we should send the first several hundred Bibles interior to them and how their distribution should be handled. Pray for these items that are yet to be completed: delivery of Bibles to the Tugutil church, distribution to the Tugutil outreach areas, the audio recording of the New Testament and updating of the Tugutil Bible app.” Read more.

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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