Dubby and Anna Rodda leave their ministry.

A Serere-Sine believer has been teaching a number of Saafi-Saafi religious leaders in Senegal.

One of the men, Dudu, asked five years ago if he could just have anything from God’s Word. Missionary Dubby Rodda was facing the difficult decision of leaving his ministry among the Saafis for health reasons.

Leaving the Saafi-Saafis before teaching Firm Foundation Bible lessons was heart-breaking for Dubby and his wife Anna but Aaron* has filled the void.

He began teaching the men in Genesis. He’s only taught as far as Joseph but the Saafi-Saafi men have declared that they know this is indeed God’s Word. They even went to the religious leaders from Aaron’s ethnic group and encouraged them to listen to the teaching also. Pray that the Serere-Sine men will think about what the Saafi-Saafis shared and will act upon it.

Aaron keeps in close contact with Dubby and Anna, who are now in the UK, and has informed them how the Saafi-Saafis are responding.

A team of Wycliffe missionaries is translating the Bible into the Saafi language. Soon they hope to have the first part of Genesis done both in recorded and written form. Pray that they will have wisdom to translate the Word in a way that glorifies God and is clear and understandable to the Saafi-Saafis.

Missionaries and Senegalese Christians have invested 20 years of labour into giving the gospel message to the Saafi-Saafi people. Pray with us that God will reap a harvest of dedicated believers who want to reach out to others with the Good News. Find out how you can help spread the Good News among the world’s unreached people.

* Name has been changed for the protection of the believers and the ministry.