A Higaunon church leader and brother in the Lord wrote an uplifting letter to missionaries Ron and Michelle Jennings from a tuberculosis quarantine house in the Philippines.

Here is a translated portion of his letter:

If you were to ask me, I would say that I am doing fine here as a result of the Lord’s enabling. I thank the Lord for this situation since through these things I have been able to clearly observe my faith in Him. In my old ways I would be crying out and complaining bitterly by now, but I find my thoughts just continually focusing on the Lord as I trust in Him. For I know that He is in control and has all the power so all I can do is to trust Him.

And I am reminded of what Paul said that when I am weak then that is the means by which I can be strong. I have really been able to see the Lord’s help as well with my faith because He uses what happens to us, even though it might be hard, to be a blessing by increasing our faith in Him.

He is far from home and enduring daily injections and medications. Ron and Michelle wrote, “It is a real blessing to hear of his Godly attitude in it all.”

Please pray that this dear Higuanon brother will respond quickly to the medication and be able to return to his home and family and resume his ministry in the church and as Ron and Michelle’s co-worker in translating the Bible.