Not long ago Betuma was ridiculing the believers of the Moi church. He would laugh at them for believing “foolish lies” and persecute them. Despite his blaspheming, they continued to love him and care for him.

Near the end of July, this same Betuma and about 39 other Moi believers were baptized by the Moi Bible teachers, publicly declaring their trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.


“We are so proud of our Moi coworkers who faithfully give of themselves in order that more of the Moi might hear and be discipled on to maturity,” wrote Rich and Karen Brown.

Maturity in the Moi Church

The Moi church had been on it’s own for almost 10 months when Rich and Karen went back. The missionaries’ absence had not stopped the Bible teaching. The Moi believers have remained in the Word and are seeking to live lives of love and service as Jesus did.

The three men who will be ordained as elders in just over a week, taught through Acts, and in preparation for the forty baptisms, gathered believers from all over Moi land to teach through the book of Mark.

The forty believers who chose to be baptized were also separately interviewed and discipled as well. It is such an encouragement to see such growth and maturity among the Moi church.