The chronological Firm Foundations study is to begin in October.

Dan Rabe recently visited the tribal works in Guinea then travelled to Mozambique to meet with New Tribes Mission leaders from all over Africa.

He has lived in Senegal most of his life and has many close friends among the tribal groups there. He was honoured recently by a dear friend among the Badyaranke people, Kamasu. Kamasu’s new son is named “Daniel Rabe.”

After many years, the Badyaranke people will soon hear the Gospel message. Firm Foundations Bible lessons will begin in October. Eric and Wendy Stottlemeyer, Rebecca Stotlemeyer and Liv Poulson have dedicated their time to get ready to share the Gospel message. Eric and Rebecca have also spent the majority of their lives in Senegal. Pray that the Badyaranke people will be open to the Gospel. Pray too for the Badyaranke missionary team. Pray especially that Kamasu’s heart will be softened and that he will understand the Scriptures as they are presented to the Badyaranke.

Soon Dan will go back to Guinea to visit with the missionaries beginning a ministry among the Konyagi people. Then Dan will travel to a remote village in Liberia.

Pray for wisdom for Dan as he travels and meets with missionaries and field leaders. Pray for his family as they are separated for several weeks.