Missionary Rich Brown looked up startled at the Moi woman had standing in front of him. In his disbelief, he asked her to repeat what she had said.

“He has tied small vines around his newborn’s neck to kill it,” the woman said again.

Rich was astonished. The man’s wife had given birth to the girl only yesterday. His wife had wanted to grow in the Lord, but the man kept straying farther and farther from his faith in God.

After confirming this story, Rich immediately ran to the man’s house.

Rich asked the man if what he heard was true. The man replied that he was trying to kill his child.

Rich tried to explain that killing was wrong, but this made the man angry.

Rich found the baby who was hanging in a net bag. To his relief, she was still moving but the cords were wrapped tightly around her neck.

With shaking hands, he tried to untie the cords but couldn’t. He took the baby and ran. With the help of the other missionary family, he found a pair of scissors and proceeded to cut the vine cords off of her neck.

The baby was fine despite her whimpering.

While missionaries bathed the baby, the man came to talk to Rich. He explained to Rich that he was killing the baby because it wasn’t his child.

“Whether the child is from you or not has nothing to do with it,” Rich replied. “What you tried to do is sin. God had told Moses, ‘you must not murder.’ “

The man nodded, understanding God’s instructions not to murder. But he still believes the baby is not his.

Please pray that this man will turn back to God. Also pray that someone will volunteer to take care of the baby who has no home and no one to look after her.