About Naomi Becker

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So far Naomi Becker has created 0 blog entries.
20 01, 2022

    Sharmyn Abrahamson

    By |January 20th, 2022|Missionaries|

    I am working towards serving in the Philippines, and I am excited to see where the Lord leads in that. In the meantime, I am heading back to Saskatchewan to spend time reconnecting with family and friends as I build a ministry team who will partner with me in this commission Jesus gave.

    8 11, 2021


      By |November 8th, 2021|Uncategorized|

      L’OBJECTIF EST CLAIR Guidés par des critères clairs et des implanteurs d’églises expérimentés, nos missionnaires forment des leaders [...]

      18 10, 2021


        By |October 18th, 2021|Uncategorized|

        Contribuer aux projets francophones Votre investissement dans les projets francophones sera utilisé pour l’impression des ressources en français et [...]