More than 100 Arimtaps were examined and received medical treatment at a clinic held recently.

A medical clinic was set up by missionaries and a nurse, Ben, who arrived with two Papuan assistants, Febe and Debi.

Ben and his assistants came for four days to help the missionaries treat the Arimtaps and to help the missionaries familiarize themselves with the common sicknesses of the area and how to treat them.

Ben also spent time training Andreas, one of the villagers. Andreas faithfully helps out at the clinic twice a week.

“We are hoping he will be the beginning of indigenizing the medical program,” missionary Lexie Hampton wrote. “He picked up the basics of doing physical exams really well. The other day he was actually telling me how to take blood pressure.”

Lexie and her husband, Porter, along with the rest of their team, are also working on Bible translation.

“Please pray for wisdom as we train [Andreas] and determine what responsibilities he can handle,” Lexie wrote. “Also pray with us for enablement from the Lord for this task He has called us to … [and] for our language helpers, Kaitanus and Albertina, that they would be able to track with us as we wear out their brains.”