Porter and Lexie Hampton, currently on home assignment, minister among the Nagi people of Asia Pacific. “Near the end of August, I was able to have a long phone conversation with Andreas and Anton, two of our Bible teachers in the village. It was very encouraging to be able to speak with them and to hear how things are going with the church. …They indicated that the Bible teachers have continued to teach and are currently working their way back through the Creation to Christ lessons. They also told us that most of the village continues to attend the believers’ meetings. … Andreas and Anton also indicated that the ladies who had been teaching the morning devotionals at the school continue to do so faithfully. This was so encouraging to hear, not only because of the ladies’ faithfulness but also because it means the village children continue to hear the Word of God in their own language in the school setting. We were also told that the in-home devotional program by parents to their children … has continued as well. It is encouraging news that they have continued to faithfully teach the literacy class. … Please continue to pray for them as teachers. Pray for each of the students to be diligent in their studies so they can someday feed themselves from God’s Word. Our prayer for the Nagi church is that they would remain steadfast, growing in their walk with the Lord, worshipping together and encouraging one another.”

The prayer request above is one of five that we emailed to the Ethnos Prayer Team on Saturday.

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